Caregivers come into someone’s home and immediately play a major role. This can lead to many positive results for seniors as well as their family members. Here are some things to look for in a successful senior caregiver.
Communication of Expectations
Home nursing care can be a broad subject, so it is important for caregivers to know exactly what is expected of them. If an older person has an accident, falls asleep, or refuses to eat, caretakers should know exactly how to respond. That does not come without communication and exploring any possible scenarios with the family.

A Smiling Senior
There is tremendous value in a smile. Family members who are able to see their elderly loved ones smile at the end of a day also find themselves reaping the benefits. Family members who come home to find their elderly loved ones just starting at a television tend to carry around some guilt and they can also lay blame to ineffective caregiving.
A Lot of Questions
Good caretakers ask lots of questions. How else are they going to get to know the best way to care for each client? Every client is different and there is no universal approach that an elderly care specialist can use on every senior. Getting to know a senior’s likes, dislikes, preferences and how their daily life operates is key to doing a successful job.
No Cell Phone Addicts
Nothing screams more inept than a caregiver who stares at their cell phone all day. Senior caregivers are not hired to entertain themselves, but to look after someone else. That cannot happen if their sights are constantly focused on their phones.
Capable Listeners
Good caretakers are good listeners. They also know not to correct elderly clients who may be experiencing a bit of memory loss. Doing so is not always productive and could bring about frustration for the seniors. Letting seniors talk for a while is a benefit in itself.
Activity Enthusiasts
Just because people are older it does not mean they should be confined to sitting on a couch or lying in bed all day. Seniors can still do things and great caregivers will encourage them to engage in some type of activity. That could include simple things like cooking, walking, dancing or even scrapbooking. There is no reason a caregiver should not have some things lined up for seniors to do.
Helping Hands Nursing Service prides itself on its excellence when it comes to home care services. Staffed with trained and experienced nursing aid specialists, Helping Hands can help usher in a better life for seniors and their families.