About Us

nursing service and living care services

Helping Hands Nursing Service, Inc. est. in 1975 and is boasting a registry of over 130 active caregivers.

Since 1995, Helping Hands Nursing Service has been operated by Ruth Huffstetler, and we continue to provide the service that our stellar reputation depends on.

During our time in operation, we have been proud to be of assistance to the families of the communities in and around Shelby through referrals from individuals, doctors, hospitals, hospices and nursing homes.

We are dedicated to finding the perfect caregiver to match your individual needs, whether it is for just a few hours or for round-the-clock care.

All of our caregivers are dependable, knowledgeable and experienced. Each caregiver is referenced and their criminal background is checked. Also for your protection, we are fully licensed and bonded.